Ex Nihilo

Character Generation

Answer three questions with about a sentence each.


When a player makes an active attempt to interact with the world, the GM can call for a check.


  1. GM calls for a check, noting if it is difficult or almost impossible
  2. Player & GM negotiate the most applicable skill
  3. Player rolls a d20, adding skill bonus to the result
  4. GM compares the result to the Difficulty
  5. GM narrates the outcome of the check.

Calling for a Check

Under no circumstances can a player call a check. In order for a check to be called: a. There must be a chance for the character to succeed in the action. b. There must be a chance for the character to fail in the action. c. The action must affect the world outside the character.


Skill Bonus

If the action is related to the answers to to your character creation questions, you get a +2 as a skill bonus.


If you roll a check and your result exceeds 20, record the action you took as a “feat”. When you perform that action again, you get a +5 instead of the normal +2. If you roll over 20 again, you can take that action without rolling a check